The Foundation of JOY and the 4 Pillars

  • 01

    Before You Begin!

    Show Content
    • Join the JOY-OLOGISTs on Facebook.

  • 02

    The JOY Journey

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  • 03

    Self-Love and Deserving

    Show Content
    • Training 2: Self-Love and Deserving

  • 04

    Appreciation in ALL Things

    Show Content
    • Training 3: Appreciation in All Things

  • 05

    Affirmed Philosophy and A-OKs

    Show Content
    • Training 4: Affirmed Philosophy and A-OKs

  • 06

    Addition and Alignment in Our Lives

    Show Content
    • Training 5: Addition and Alignment in Our Lives

  • 07

    Putting it All Together

    Show Content
    • Training 6: Putting it All Together

  • 08


    Show Content
    • The Master Class on Meditation

Here's what you'll find inside the JOY JOURNEY:

  • Find out what JOY actually is, why it's different than happiness, and how it's actually cultivated.

  • Learn the foundation of JOY in your own life, Love and Deserving. And more importantly, specific methods to lean this for yourself.

  • Learn to do THESE specific daily actions to create JOY in your literally minutes a day.

  • You'll get to join a COMMUNITY of others to help on your ongoing JOY JOURNEY.